Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 09.13.22

By RBN September 13, 2022 15:00

Ron talked about why we were watching the funeral of the Queen of England when we fought two wars to get out from under the English crown? Is it because we no longer have lawful government in America? He also mentioned that, contrary to what Klaus Schwab says, Covid-19 really proved that the whole world has had their governments overthrown by the global bankarchy. And this global banking cartel thinks it has authority to rule the world, and it does not. Then he addressed the tyrannical proclamations of the director of the DHS concerning those who question the Covid-19 measures being “anti-government” terrorists. Ron demonstrated why such measures are completely tyrannical and anti-government. Ron said those that resist such measures are thirsting for lawful government and those who impose tyranny are anti-government. Karen called in and agreed and suggested some further investigation. Don called in and asked some questions about the Sandy Hook cases including Alex Jones and James Fetzer. Ron compared what he knew about the two cases.

By RBN September 13, 2022 15:00
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