Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 03.10.22

By RBN March 10, 2022 14:59

Ron talked about that same article he talked about on the last show written by Elizabeth Williamson for the New York Times. He said those related to the Sandy Hook victims were on a mission to use the alleged violence of Adam Lanza as leverage and license to alter the law. And we know that the use of violence, real, threatened or pretended, to alter the law is terrorism. And in a conspiracy, each actor need not know one another and may have different jobs to do in pursuit of their goal. Ron showed how much worse it is to disarm the American people than for a nut to randomly kill people. He also wrote a letter to Dr. Fetzer and others with this response to that Williamson article which is posted at: You can donate to Dr. Fetzer’s defense expenses to the Supreme Court of the United States to correct a deprivation of his right to a trial by jury and the granting of a completely bogus summary judgment. Then Ron and John talked about drinking from the poisoned well of the mass media cartel. If it’s wrong on 9/11 and the trial of Dr. Fetzer, it’s wrong on the Ukraine! Don’t drink from a poisoned well! Then Kathleen and Ron agreed that calling for the assassination of Putin by Lindsey Graham and Sean Hannity was barbaric, and un-American representative of the antichrist pro Israel premillennial heresy.
Donate to Dr. Fetzer at

By RBN March 10, 2022 14:59

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