Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 12.01.22

By RBN December 1, 2022 14:59

Ron talked about why Only One Life Matters, not Black and not White. He showed how those who say they are Jews but reject Christ Jesus as King of the Jews are liars and cannot be Jewish by blood or the flesh. Those who use slogans like “Black Lives Matter” are inciting class struggle. He talked about Jamin Ben Raskin and his strawman argument that the 2nd Amendment was a right of insurrection. But also Ron showed why no one has a right to disarm the American people and it should be just as dangerous to advocate disarmament as to advocate insurrection, which no one is advocating. He also mentioned that we don’t have a “deep state” problem but a dissolved state tyranny problem. And for that matter you cannot have an insurrection against or an overthrow of a dissolved state. Please support the RBN book drive and the BIGGEST False Flags & Conspiracy Virtual Conference 2022 at

By RBN December 1, 2022 14:59
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