Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 10.21.21

By RBN October 21, 2021 15:05

Ron made the point that all we see and everything we hear that is frightening is not natural but the result of tyranny. We only have one emergency which is tyranny that causes everything we think is an emergency, e.g., viruses, clogged supply chain, hoards of illegal aliens flooding into the country, etc. Ron gave a quick review of how Christians being kings and priests in the Kingdom of God on earth have authority to rule the world with the rod of iron as Christ received from his Father and how they make lawful governments on earth. Ron made the point that bankers do not have authority to run the world nor even operate the system of fraudulent currency in America. Ron said that Christianity has already spread all over the world and many nations have a cross on their flags. He said that Christians have authority to rule the world as stewards of the Kingdom while Christ is away. One caller denied that Christ or his servants have authority to rule the world and said that chapter 13 of Revelations shows that a beast was given authority to rule and overcome the saints. And that is true but the authority came from the dragon or Satan who does not have authority to rule the world as Christ alone has that and sits on the throne in heaven presently forever as stated in Matthew 28:18. Christ has never authorized Satan to do anything. Authority does not come from Satan but from God who has only authorized Christ his Son and his saints. The caller was angered and lumped Ron with others who say Jesus is in control of the world. But that too is not accurate because the modern mainstream church agrees with the caller that the Kingdom has not been established yet and that will happen when Christ returns to set up his 1000 year reign and Christians are not the stewards of anything until then. But that is the greatest heresy the church has ever embraced. The Kingdom of God has been established on Earth for 2000 years, it suffers violence but its here and the door is still open to enter it and become a good steward of it and many of such have gone before us.

By RBN October 21, 2021 15:05

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