Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 07.22.21

By RBN July 22, 2021 15:00

Ron played snippets from three videos embedded in three articles posted at RBN: The first was 3 minutes of an interview of Dr. Peter McCullough by Alex Newman of The New American showing that the practice of medicine has been corrupted by fear resulting from peer and patient pressure developed by lies told by the mass media cartel.
The second was about 6 minutes of argument between Dr. Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci exposing the fact that Fauci lied to Congress when he told them that he and his NIH did not fund “gain of function” research on the corona virus at the Wuhan facility in China. Then the last video was about 5.5 minutes of an interview of Dr. David Martin by Stew Peters entitled “Patented Genocide” revealing through patent applications over a 20 year period that the so-called “corona virus vaccines” are not vaccines but rather synthetic computer code generated to produce a pathogen inside the human body which will stimulate an immune response which is toxic to the human body and has killed over ten thousand people.
Ron used all three of these snippets to prove:
It is hard to win an argument between doctors concerning the technology involved in virology and pathology and much harder between laymen.
We do not have lawful government which would investigate all these findings by Dr. David Martin, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Dr. Rand Paul. The dissolved tyrannical terroristic government will not investigate and prosecute itself.
All this medical science is irrelevant to the programs being instituted by dissolved government since all the programs are pure tyranny because government cannot have more authority than you and I have and we can wear masks, stay home, close our business and get an injection but we cannot compel our neighbors to do so. Therefore we cannot delegate that to government and the exercise of power without authority is tyranny by definition.
The government programs being instituted around the Covid hype is state terrorism because it uses harm to coerce people into submission to the injection of their concoction as a gateway back into society.
Human beings do not need improvement by injections before they may enter society. To require such a thing is the work of the antichrist and is evil to the bone marrow.
We need to create lawful government to investigate these crimes against the people and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the lawful principles of property, the original foundation of our nation and states.
And finally that Ron will develop a package to download from to give to schools, universities, employers and businesses that they will be liable to prosecution for requiring injections, wearing masks or any other medical procedure. Some of that material is already uploaded.

By RBN July 22, 2021 15:00

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