Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 08.16.22

By RBN August 16, 2022 15:04

Ron talked about the book “Covid-19: The Great Reset” by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret. Ron said there is not one principle of lawful government in the first half of the book and he doesn’t expect to find any in the last part either. The book describes the necessary changes for every part of civilization except the financial system of the global bankarchy and the mass media cartel. Those two things are not up for alteration of any kind. Those things are the work of the hand of God and those things must be adhered to and honored for the world to survive. The authors advocate what Ron calls “eventocracy” where governments are based upon reacting to events or emergencies instead of enforcing the principles of property that regulate all aspects of lawful governments. He read several quotes from the book and Richard from Washington called in and agreed to the observations made by Ron but also asserted that Christianity was created by the Romans to control people. Ron disagreed. John from Colorado called and agreed with Ron on both the global bankarchy plans and the role of the church to purge from the cosmos every false doctrine that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.

By RBN August 16, 2022 15:04

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