Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 09.15.22

By RBN September 15, 2022 15:00

Ron talked about an article entitled “For All Americans Who Think They Still Have A Country, Here Is Bad News,” concerning a survey showing that the nation is split about 50/50 Republican and Democrat.
Ron said that is not at all what he thought the article could have been about. How does having an equal split between two political parties have anything to do with living under an existing lawful government? Ron showed how removing all democrats from office would not create lawful government from a dissolved one. He recommended that people not get caught up in elections because electing the best people cannot solve the real problem of dissolved government. He also encouraged people to learn principles because they cannot be quoted and used against you and you can achieve liberty by knowing them and spreading them. He gave an example of how to use them with regard to reports of mass shootings and those who use them to disarm the American people.

By RBN September 15, 2022 15:00
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