Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 11.08.22

By RBN November 8, 2022 14:59

Ron asks and answers how we can be free from the tyrannical fake new world order and the slavery it creates. He shows that we should not worry about what Satan can do to us tomorrow. Rather than trying to prepare to live under tyranny, we should seek and find the Kingdom, get into it and possess it ourselves and then all things fear to be deprived of will be given us. And that means that tyranny will fail if we proclaim possession of the Kingdom of God and reject the authority of Satan and his plans. He quoted Matthew 6:27-33 to prove his point. Then Ron showed what kind of people try to seize upon the Kingdom without going through the door Christ opened for all and what happens to them by quoting Matthew 21:33-46. Then Ron showed how to get into the Kingdom of God or Heaven on earth and again what kind try to take the Kingdom by force by quoting John 10:7-10. Ron showed that the Covid-19 lockdown would have failed had the church stood on its good news and sound doctrine and why that is the case. Tom from Utah called in support and directed listeners to his website at Apparently the man Tom is defending is also named Ron. It’s a different Ron. Nancy from California also called in support of Ron’s show today.
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By RBN November 8, 2022 14:59
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