The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, September 29, 2022

By RBN September 29, 2022 20:59

Here’s the $64.000 question for our Trump Phenomenon audience on Sept. 29. 2022: “What happened to our women?” This question arises from the breakdown of the just-released McLaughlin poll of Americans’ presidential preference for 2024. This poll, taken just ten days ago, contains a mind-boggling real fact about the America that is our home, our future, our everything. Are you sitting down? Do you think you’re ready for this shocking fact about your world and your future? Here it is: Men would vote for Trump over Biden 61 to 35. Almost 2 to 1! And in the overall poll by McLaughlin, Trump wins 49 to 45 over Biden. Now, the more independent thinkers would ask this question. If our men voted for Trump 61 to 35, then how did Trump’s prevalence over Biden among all likely voters drop from an absolutely dominating 61% to a scary-as-hell nailbiter of a win at 49%? What happened? Well, who’s got the guts to say it out loud? What happened is women voters. McLaughlin reveals that women DON’T want Trump the way men do. The women in the poll voted 39% to 55% for the pathetic Communist, nation-wrecker, economy-crasher, nuclear warmonger Joe Biden!! What?! This unmentionable FACT also happened in 2016 and 2020. Men overwhelmingly wanted Trump as the leader of their nation in all three elections. Women overwhelmingly wanted the totally corrupt Comrades Clinton and Biden. Our goose may be cooked if we men can’t figure this one out. And rectify it, pronto.

By RBN September 29, 2022 20:59
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