The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, May 13, 2020

By RBN May 13, 2020 21:00

Good news on May 13, 2020. To me, James Kelso, host of The Trump Phenomenon, it seems that Creepy Joe Biden is going to hang on to the DemonRat nomination. How so? Well, the DemonRats have only 66 days until their now-postponed convention on August 17 in Milwaukee. That’s 7 short weeks and 3 days. And they really have less time to ditch and replace Demented Joe than that. The fix on who takes Creepy’s nomination away has to be in place weeks before the convention. Who have they got? Biden has 1,627 of the 1,991 delegate votes needed for nomination. The only other candidate with ANY votes is Bernie Sanders, with 1,018 (these numbers include presumed superdelegate votes). But Bernie’s open socialism is a wooden stake through DemonRat chances for the presidency, the House, or the Senate on Nov. 3. Their only way to avoid Bernie is Joe! And how can they go with Elizabeth Warren who won only 78 delegates after spending scores of millions of dollars in the primaries! Or Amy Klobuchar who spent millions to win a total of 7 delegates! Better yet, how about Kamala Harris, whose millions spent won her a grand total of ZERO delegates! All three of these leftist ladies have pledged their undying love for Joe Biden, so how would they break up their romance now? How would the fanatical Bernie Bros and Bernie Sisters react to having their guy with 1,018 delegates shoved to the curb in favor of non-candidates Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton? If the DNC is set on not having a live convention with 1,018 Bernie communists loose on the floor of such a convention, with thousands more Bernie communists in the convention hall and outside in the streets….the DNC might be desperately searching for a way to avoid the near-certain riot they would have on their hands if Saint Bernie gets goosed a second time by the DNC. This is all good news, more emphatically so after today’s (May 13, 2020) revelation that Joe Biden HIMSELF was one of 39 Obama administration pukes who committed the FELONY of “unmasking” 3-star General Michael Flynn’s perfectly legal and proper “secured” conversations as just-nominated National Security Advisor to just-elected Donald Trump. Biden is a dream candidate….for us!

By RBN May 13, 2020 21:00

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