STOP THE PRESSES! with Mark Anderson 07.05.23

By RBN July 5, 2023 15:09

Ron Avery filled in for Mark Anderson today and after the first break. They talked about chaos on the border between the State government of Texas not exercising its authority while the federal government exercises authority it does not have. One is derelict and the other is tyrannical and the result is the destruction of Texas and victory for the global antichrist bankarchy vision of a borderless world completely operated by them alone. Ron outlined the authority Texas has and how limited the federal authority is on border issues under the US Constitution. Ron played a video showing federal border patrol boating illegal aliens to the Texas side of the Rio Grande and cutting the razor wire and cutting chain link fences to admit illegal aliens into Texas.
Then Mark talked about what Sheriff Joe Arpaio would have done if he saw a federal border agent cutting razor wire and letting illegal aliens into his state of Arizona, namely, arrest them and charge them with destruction of state property.
Then CT from Arkansas called in and told of his duty when on the border while in the National Guard on the Mexico border with New Mexico. He said they simply handed out sandwiches and cold water to illegal aliens as they came in and that all the border patrol were Hispanic and welcomed all the illegal aliens with open arms as if it were their land that belonged to Mexico.
Here is the link to the letter sent to Gov. Abbott showing the steps to controlling the border and the request for a Special Session on Immigration to begin the process:
Please send a link to this letter and this show to Gov. Abbott and your representatives and demand the border be closed tight.

By RBN July 5, 2023 15:09
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