Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 11.14.23

By RBN November 14, 2023 15:00

Ron and Layla, who called in, came to the same conclusion that the so-called “Hamas attack on Israel” was an inside job done by agents of Israel to justify the complete destruction of Gaza and its people. They also reached the same conclusion regarding the message that is sent to the world at large, namely, that if you don’t support the “state of Israel” in all that it does, your nation will be surrounded and destroyed the same way as Gaza.
Ron also mentioned that Israel is trying its new armored personnel carrier with a gun turret with new technology on the defenseless in Gaza.
Ron also mentioned that “GOP lawmaker,” Brian Mast, who said, ‘There are very few innocent Palestinian citizens.’ This confirms the implications made by Benjamin Netanyahu, that all Gazans are the targets of the Israeli Defense Force. They should rename that group the Israel Offence Force.
Ron also mentioned that there was march in London of over 800,000 protesting the Gazan destruction by Israel. The article title was 300,000 but when you see the aerial footage you know it is as the organizers said, around 800,000. It looked like more than that to Ron.
And now we learn that Israel will stay in Gaza to act as security to the Gazan people. Talk about sick!
Ron also mentioned that billionaires plan a pro-Israel anti Hamas media campaign because they feel they are losing the narrative as if we aren’t getting plenty of that from the mass media cartel already.
Ron made the announcement that at 8:00 PM central time he will be making a livestream special presentation on Roman 11 in response to requests from his Christian friends so Ron would know he had to support Israel no matter how evil it becomes.
Ron asked that all pray for the repentance of Israel and the Christian church as both have rejected the existing Kingdom of God on earth that Jesus Christ established in his death, resurrection and ascension in which we participate.

By RBN November 14, 2023 15:00
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