Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 10.20.22

By RBN October 20, 2022 14:59

Ron played two video clips and discussed the merit of a $27 billion 4th Amendment class action lawsuit against the school district, city police, border patrol, sheriff in Uvalde, Texas and Daniel Defense, a gun manufacturer. Ron said it would be completely groundless and that the one who is responsible is dead and indirectly the most culpable is the unlawful public education curriculum that teaches everything but the principles of property which is all they can obtain authority to teach. Ron said the shooter at Robb Elementary did not know the principles of property nor did the parents of the kids that he killed. If the parents knew the principles of property they would make the target of the change they want the purging of the public education curriculum rather than the disarmament of the American people, which is against the law of the land for good sound reason.

By RBN October 20, 2022 14:59
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