Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 09.07.23

By RBN September 7, 2023 15:55

Ron played a sound track to George Carlin’s “Plastic Bags” routine. Carlin shows the absurdity of the New World Order’s worry and argument over what mankind can do to the planet when it has been here so much longer and been through so much worse than “us.” Then Ron quoted three Bible scriptures that show that Christ Jesus established the Kingdom of God on earth over 2000 years ago by his death, resurrection and ascension. And those who are translated by participation in that operation are citizens of the Kingdom of God on earth and have the title deed to all things. And that the church should be the defender of the existing Kingdom of God or Heaven on earth right now, not waiting for judgment day or the return of Christ when all evil will be destroyed by the brightness of his coming. He also said the falling away of the church from teaching these Biblical truths has let Satan out of the pit to return to deceiving the nations before the church age. But Ron also said God can repent himself and stay his own hand if the church were to enter a revival and become defenders of the Kingdom against the alien super wealthy international bankers who are destroying all human beings while pretending to save them and the earth. Earl from Texas called and joined in agreement that people are bored with the church and its impotence and look for other things, and that the church shares responsibility for the tyranny we live under today. Ron said we should pray that our enemy repent to avoid the real threat coming to earth soon at the return of Christ Jesus to destroy all evil.

By RBN September 7, 2023 15:55
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