Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 09.22.22

By RBN September 22, 2022 15:00

Ron talked about lawlessness on the border and the willful neglect of law enforcement on the border by the so-called “Governor of Texas” and the so-called “President of the United States.” All of this points to the fact that the “state of Texas” and the “United States” is dissolved according to John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government. Failure to enforce the laws is one of the five or so ways for a government to dissolve itself from within.
Don from Arizona called and said he thinks it will be different in Arizona upon electing Kari Lake as governor of Arizona as she says she will declare an invasion and put the national guard on the border.
Then, Ron mentioned that a new 57 paper is out by Tom Renz, attorney, showing who the players are and what they did to impose the so-called “Covid-19 Pandemic” and all its tyrannical mandates upon the people of earth. The point is that we don’t have lawful government, state or federal, and that the people have nothing to do with what is going on and everything that happens is orchestrated by those who have caused the dissolution. Lark from Texas called in and verified Ron’s assessment and added that this condition is further exacerbated by “syndicalism” of white collar professionals that join groups to achieve the goals of the new world order and the World Economic Forum. (That word might not be the correct one)
Then Pat from Texas chimed in and said we could secede and then take care of the border ourselves. Ron gave his explanation of why that move is self defeating. (for a comparison of secession, nullification and dissolution re: ).

By RBN September 22, 2022 15:00
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