Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 01.10.23

By RBN January 10, 2023 14:59

Ron talked about the big story of the week; Biden’s visit to the southern border for the first time since he took office as president of the dissolved union back in 2020. Ron showed that Biden does not have authority to open the border as all the immigrant pawns camped on the border and their trek financiers want. Ron showed how it would not be the hand of God on Biden’s heart to open the border but the hand of Satan on Biden’s mind. Biden has no authority to open the border so his doing so would be the exercise of power without authority or tyranny which is the work of Satan.
Matt from Tennessee called and said the borders will remain open because our currency is backed by labor. And if you want to live free file forms to alter your citizenship status from a U.S. Citizen to a State National citizen and get an allodial title to stop paying property taxes. I explained to him why we all have allodial titles already. I don’t agree with anything he said there but if you like it, you may go to and find out how to do all that stuff. Then Scott from New York called and said this was the doctrine taught by Roger Sayles (I knew that) and all can go listen to him, if you like, here at RBN. I don’t agree with any of the citizenship altering business with dissolved tyrannical governments.

By RBN January 10, 2023 14:59
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