Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 06.23.22

By RBN June 23, 2022 14:59

Last Tuesday Ron defined the real and fake Jews and who their fathers are. Today Ron read a conversation between him and a Rabbi and a Pre-Millennialist. The conversation reveals how the modern fallen away impotent church views the modern so-called “state of Israel” and the “homeland of the Jews.” He said that a perversion of Christian theology had to occur before the unlawful state of Israel could be established. The idea that Jews are still special and have certain unfulfilled promises has lead to many forms of tyranny. The idea that God will stand for those who help the Jews and will stand against those that oppose the Jews has lead to increased tyranny in every land. A powerful resistance to tyranny will not occur unless the church has a revival of the idea that Christians are the true Jews and those that say they are Jews but deny Christ Jesus of Nazareth are liars and their father is Satan. Pray for a revival of the church in the Western World.
Charlie, Dan and Pat called in with good questions and comments.

By RBN June 23, 2022 14:59

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