Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 09.12.23

By RBN September 12, 2023 15:03

Ron’s special guest today was Dave Von Kleist. Ron wanted to do a show on 9/11. Ron remembered his good friend Dave Von Kleist who had visited and performed in Ron’s band at Ron’s Silver Eagle Taphouse in McQueeney, Texas on several occasions including the Michael New Legal Defense Fundraiser in 1997, the Gulf War Syndrome Fundraiser, and the Ron Paul Campaign Tour 2007. Ron had to play a couple of Dave’s karaoke parody songs from Dave’s website at: namely, Blow Smoke in Your Eyes, and Let’s Roll.
Ron said that his favorite 9/11 video is 9/11 in Plane Site and talked about the introduction where Dave explained the notion of a conspiracy theory becoming a conspiracy probability and eventually a real actionable conspiracy. Dave said he was considering doing a talk show again and told the listeners that Ezekiel chapter 33 was calling him and Ron agreed. Julie at the sound board told Ron he had lots of listeners and Ron suggested Dave get a spot at RBN. Dave said he was open to that.

By RBN September 12, 2023 15:03
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