Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 09.06.22

By RBN September 6, 2022 15:01

Ron talked about what Kari Lake said concerning Joe Biden’s ignorant speech about the foundation of America being “democracy.” Kari is running for governor of Arizona. He pointed out that Joe was surrounded by bullet proof glass while speaking to 50 trusted invitees to his speech revealing his confidence his popularity with “We The People.” On the other side, Ron cautioned the people about slogans made just to woo the voters and not based upon real principles of lawful government. For instance “America First Agenda.” What does that really mean? It can mean arrogance, dominance, aggressive striving to be first. So this can be used against those who employ it. Try using “Lawful Government Agenda.” Who doesn’t want that? Want some more unlawful government like we got now? Neither party likes to talk about tyranny or lawfulness or unlawfulness because it shines a light on both parties and their candidates. So they use stupid slogans that can easily be used against them. Then Ron talked about “Covid-19 masks” being shown to expose the user to four or more times the safe level of the carcinogen Titanium dioxide. No callers today.

By RBN September 6, 2022 15:01
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