Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 05.02.23

By RBN May 3, 2023 14:22

Ron read his critique of a New York Times short story on Sandy Hook Crime Scene Investigators:
Mark Anderson joined the show at the bottom of the hour and they exposed the “comedy of errors” we live in where the only crime scene evidence ever made public is that provided by the criminal themselves in body cam footage and manifestos. How is it that the criminal has more social responsibility to inform the public than modern law enforcement and journalism? How is it that all social institutions have abrogated their duty and authority to criminals to provide the evidence and motivation for their crimes? Are we to believe our social institutions are incapable of discerning anything beyond what a deranged lunatic provides as evidence and motivation for a crime? This means that we neither have a functioning law enforcement body nor a news investigating and reporting body in the “United States.” Tomorrow watch “The Raw Deal” where Dr. James H. Fetzer and Ron will talk about this for two hours from 11 AM till 1 PM Central. Follow the links under RADIO/WEBINARS at Then watch Mark and Ron surgically dissect these so-called “mass shootings” on Stop the Presses from 2 PM till 3 PM Central at:
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By RBN May 3, 2023 14:22
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