Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 03.16.23

By RBN March 16, 2023 14:59

Ron talked about the article posted at RBN entitled “International Health Regulations Amendments Will Give WHO Unprecedented Power to Override National Sovereignty, Expert Warns. Is national sovereignty our concern when the nation commands us to take a shot, wear a mask, close our business, stay 6 feet apart and on and on? It’s not the loss of national sovereignty that bothers me but the loss of lawful government. No government can obtain authority to command all or any people to do those things! Ron proved that theologically by New Testament scripture he quoted on the show. His website at also shows why government cannot obtain lawful authority to command all to do those things. Ron then said he would give a presentation on that to give to churches to wake them up to the greatest global antichrist attack upon the church since Roman persecution in the WHO Pandemic Treaty and IHR Amendments granting itself tyrannical powers over the Body of Christ, or the Church on earth, and the Kingdom of Heaven or God on earth, to the ends of the galaxies. Ron asked listeners to attend or watch the presentation of Richard Gage on 9/11 & Covid Parallels and Mark Anderson on the Mass Media Cartel and IHR Amendments at Don, Tom, David and Mike called in with their comments.

By RBN March 16, 2023 14:59
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