Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 01.17.23

By RBN January 17, 2023 14:59

Ron reviewed the articles posted at RBN regarding Bill Gates as tyrannical dictator of the world; Moderna’s new mRNA injection directly in the heart to help patients with heart failures and attacks; A doctor saying that Covid-19 boosters appear to be causing cancer and should be stopped immediately until more research on this is done. Then Ron talked about the article entitled “Taxation = Theft.” Ron said the title revealed the author to be an anarchist (those who do not believe in lawful government, which is the premise of all anarchists). You cannot have lawful government and support it by theft. So this fits with the doctrine of anarchy. Ron showed that the problem is that some taxes are lawful and can be used to support lawful government, but some means of raising revenue cannot be considered lawful taxation. “Property tax” is not a lawful means for government to raise revenue as it is not a tax at all but an alienation of your unalienable property which defeats the purpose of lawful government. Ron also announced that he had contacted Roger Sayles last Thursday with no response but had heard from Anna Von Reitz with her willingness to come on Ron’s show at any scheduled time. Ron will email Roger again and try to set up discussions with them both individually and maybe together later. Mer gave Ron Roger’s email and Mitchell called with good questions about Roger’s affidavit program.

By RBN January 17, 2023 14:59
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  1. Centurion January 17, 17:11

    National means denizen. It’s a status higher than resident and different than citizen. It means you are only subject to the Laws of God.

    Lawful government is a government that enforces the penalties associated with the 10+ commandments and makes no other laws. The lawful tax to that government is 10% of the profit. That is the Kingdom of Heaven.

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