Yours Truly Mer with Mer Bailey, December 31, 2023 Hour 2

By RBN December 31, 2023 17:31

#37 : … Hour Two .. skull & bones 322AD… Finally, it does not make sense to measure economic activity if we ignore how this money is utilized. Stiglitz gives an example of a misuse of resource that accounts for GDP and GNP. Building and maintaining prisons costs 6% of U.S. GDP since the US has ten times more people incarcerated than other advanced countries. It is good for GDP and bad for the society. … Dr Hew Len

Hoóponopono is a traditional Hawaiian forgiveness prayer practiced by traditional healers. Hoóponopono was brought to the West by Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len, who co-authored a book with Joe Vitale called Zero Limits after his teacher Morrnah Simeona died.
【The real cause of the problem】 How does the mind work? A question of Identity by Dr. Hew Len | HO’OPONOPONO

By RBN December 31, 2023 17:31
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