William Repillem’s Punch Bowl, September 22, 2023

By RBN September 22, 2023 22:05
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  1. Edward September 23, 13:53

    Stalwarts. Working overtime to keep the network alive.

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  2. Richard Mosely September 23, 15:33

    I’m not trying to be divisive or anything but if you read Hinton Rowan Helper’s accounts from African travels it reveals a lot about real origins and what is happening now as the Zionist’s forced cultural merger takes place. Everyone is not the same. I think some European civilizations go back much farther than The Science wants to say.

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  3. bob88 September 23, 19:01

    It immediately sucks the blood of the Blacks, it hides behind the Blacks like a goshdarn hostage situation. But let me tell you something, the BLACKS DONT LIKE JEWS EITHER! Dont believe what you’ve seen on jew TV. When they where screaming “Defund the Police”, that was to get their hands on the jews hiding behind dirty israeli trained cops. White Nationalists made a STUPID MISTAKE, screaming “DONT DEFUND THE POLICE”, he’s a Black criminal! What are we trying to save jews from the Blacks for? We should have AGREED WITH THAT! We dont have to defund OUR Police, the Blacks live in liberal territory!

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  4. bob88 September 23, 19:29

    It might have been Gaddy? Or maybe Eustace Mullins, who said that not only did the jews own the slave boats, the jews and the Catholics, probably French ones, owned the slavery plantations. All the Baptists and Whites just lived in the south. Homesteaders working their own land. Maybe the dude with the whip might have been Dutch, working for the jews. The same as the boats. A dirty cop.

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  5. bob88 September 23, 22:35

    Dont get a job as a cop working for the jews in Las Vegas. Remember the Las Vegas tower massacre? Who do you think set that up? Las Vegas is owned by the jews, ever since the Italian mafia days.

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  6. bob88 September 24, 00:06

    Election fraud is a false issue, am optics misdirection, when there is nobody to vote for. What is this guy saying, that election fraud is going to keep us from being able to vote for a guy, who already had his chance for 4 years, where he achieved absolutely nothing, including doing nothing about election fraud. Thats a jew trick, italians are working for the jews. Screaming about somebody stealing your right to choose between a turd and a turd, is supposed to fool you into thinking that voting for turds must be something worth stealing from you.

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  7. Commenter September 25, 03:09

    US military is not a secure institution. Nor is US law enforcement. Both of these institutions are compromised and treasonous. You don’t burn develop space lasers to burn specific coordinates such as in Lahaina without US military investment.

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