The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, September 26, 2023

By RBN September 26, 2023 21:01

What a travesty today! Another envying (that’s all Communists do) “Judge” ruled brutally against Donald Trump by pulling a number out of his…..ahem….”robe”, and declaring that Mar-A-Lago is worth only $18 million! Folks, if you’ve never seen Mar-A-Lago, and I used to live right across the Intracoastal from it, this is the most spectacular piece of real estate in America. Eric Trump today, Sept. 26, 2023, posts on that it’s estimated worth is as high as ONE BILLION dollars! The New York “judge” is, like all the rest, doing his Communist best to destroy the greatest President in our history, and the man who can possibly save our people and nation. Also, in today’s show, please listen closely to the brilliant article the President links from Human Events (by Kenny Cody) in which the author brilliantly explains what the RINOs have done to us.

By RBN September 26, 2023 21:01
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