The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, September 2, 2022

By RBN September 2, 2022 21:00

Riddle me this on Sept. 2, 2022: how can things be getting worse, and worse, and worse (which they are)…..and yet at the same time other things are getting better, and better. The Communist Party USA is finally in power, and they (Mayorkas, Garland, Schumer and friends) have the pedal to the metal as they try to drive America over the cliff. But simultaneously our Patriot cause is stronger than ever, more inspired than ever. Than ever in American history! This town ain’t big enough for the Merrick Garlands and the Steve Bannons in the same place at the same time. Somebody’s gonna be leavin’ Dodge. Soon, it seems to me. P.S. It’ll be not Dodge, Kansas, but Dodge, Pennsylvania tomorrow when Donald Trump rides into Wilkes-Barre for a MEGA rally to top ’em all. Tomorrow night at 7pm Eastern.

By RBN September 2, 2022 21:00
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