The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, September 14, 2022

By RBN September 14, 2022 20:59

Catch Karoline Leavitt’s MAGA victory speech in her New Hampshire Republican primary today, Sept. 14, 2022. She clobbered the Republican RINO’s. No money. All by herself…and she’s just 25 years old. If we propel her to final victory on November 8, she’ll be the youngest U.S. Congressman ever. Then catch President Trump saluting Karoline Leavitt…and also telephoning Ashli Babbitt’s mother, Micki Witthoeft, as Ashli’s mom and fellow patriots gather EVERY night outside the J6 political prisoners’ Gulag in the District of Criminals.

By RBN September 14, 2022 20:59
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