The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, October 27, 2023

By RBN October 27, 2023 21:37

Here’s a great idea which I’m hoping reaches President Trump’s attention. Goal? Defeat the Chinese Communist Party plan to destroy America. How? And this is something that Donald Trump could engineer with one hand tied behind his back. How? Take away all the American money without which the CCP will have no ability to destroy us. The idea that accomplishes this is, like many KEY ideas, SIMPLE! Starting on day one of his next Presidency, Jan. 20, 2025, President Trump commences a worldwide appeal to producers of goods everywhere outside of China: “We are ready RIGHT NOW to buy ANYTHING you can make to replace the same items that we Americans have stupidly paid TRILLIONS of dollars to the CCP to ship across the Pacific to us! This starts today, President Trump proclaims. As President I will make sure that YOUR merchandise replaces the current tsunami of Chinese Communist trade. As President I will make it as HARD as possible for CCP trade to reach our shores. And as EASY as possible for yours to get sold here. And to be bought easily by Americans, and by the American government. I will thereby take an axe to the 700 billion dollar a year trade deficit that Democrats and RINOs run up on us every year. Wherever you sellers and potential sellers are outside of China…I’m announcing that America is open and eager to buy everything you can produce! Within DAYS of this proclamation from our greatest President (and greatest producer) watch the CCP economy start an inexorable tailspin straight into the dirt. Watch the CCP thereby lose the economic power it has to have to destroy America. Watch the common Chinese people, the Lao Bai Xing in Chinese, start their long-sought-after overthrow of their Communist overlord oppressors. Somebody, please get this idea to President Trump. He will intuitively grasp the idea’s power immediately. And he has the genius to make it happen.

By RBN October 27, 2023 21:37
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