The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, October 25, 2023

By RBN October 25, 2023 21:06

Today, October 25, 2023, was one the greatest MAGA victory days for all of us. Listen to the best patriot Congressman we have, Matt Gaetz, representing the Redneck Riviera panhandle coast of Florida’s 1st District, explain the beauty of today’s events, in which another great patriot Congressman, Mike Johnson representing the 2 to 1 Trump country Louisiana’s 4th District, shocks the woke world by WINNING the House Speakership. This is accomplished as the RINO snake makes the biggest screw-up of his now-terminated political career by incredibly stupidly exposing his RINOism and unbridled egotism and power-lust. Listen to Matt Gaetz explain the incredible hidden details of what happened today to an astounded (and jubilant) Stephen K. Bannon.

By RBN October 25, 2023 21:06
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