The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, October 24, 2023

By RBN October 24, 2023 21:00

“Lao Bai Xing”, a Chinese phrase appearing incessantly on the lips of one of my personal heroes, Stephen Kevin Bannon, means “the old hundred surnames” (with the three Chinese characters. And the meaning as it is used is: “the ordinary people” or “the common man”. The very hopeful phenomenon to which Bannon thereby refers is the possibility that the great achievements of our European ancestors may have a better future life than many of us European-descended patriots see coming. The Lao Bai Xing (sounds to my ear like “lao by zhing”) are the scores (hundreds?) of millions of salt-of-the-earth Chinese patriots who gave birth to the Falun Gong spiritual/social movement. You can (and should) read and listen to these fine folks in Falun Gong publications like The Epoch Times. Or on Epoch Times TV. What you, as a European. cannot miss is that these folks LOVE our ideas. They love Western Civilization. They, like us, love truth, science, beauty, individual and inalienable rights, and the entire flower of our culture. I offer as another example of this very hopeful admiration and emulation of our ancestors’ civilization by non-Europeans is embodied in the life of Dinesh D’Souza. Born in 1961 in Mumbai (Bombay to my fellow oldsters) of Goan Indian parents, who were raised in that small Portuguese colony on the western shore of India as Roman Catholics, Dinesh D’Souza is the producer and director and writer of the stunningly brilliant and completely “Western” documentary, “Police State” that debuted yesterday (I’m writing this on October 24, 2023) in scores of American theatres in 50 States. Go to

to find the nearest theatre to you, for the 2nd night of debut on Sunday Oct. 25th. Then, if you miss that, sign up and buy the virtual debut online for Oct. 27th. The showings will continue after that on Rumble. But the very hopeful thing that we Europeans can see emanating from such non-Europeans as Falun Gong and D’Souza is that the brilliance and beauty of what we and our ancestors struggled so mightily to create in our Western Civilization MAY ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO BE TRANSMITTABLE to non-European patriots, lovers of truth and beauty more like unto ourselves than some of us may have seen. Much more needs to be said and thought about on this ray of sunshine.

By RBN October 24, 2023 21:00
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