The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, October 2, 2023

By RBN October 2, 2023 21:01

My dread on Oct. 2, 2023 is that the CPUSA (Democrat Party) is about to pull a last-minute switcheroo in the next few months. The switcheroo will, I fear, be Gavin Newsom. After all the massive effort to educate America as to Joe Biden’s vileness and evil, that effort will be for naught when the CPUSA shuffles all the Biden garbage off the stage, to replace it with the glitzy Hollywood con job of a 6′ 3″ 55-year-old with a stunning wife (herself also a millionaire before their marriage in 2008) and four beautiful children from 3 years old to teenaged. The years of beat-Biden education will have to be overnight retooled to a completely unfamiliar beat-Newsom campaign. I worried today that Newsom would appoint Kamala Harris to her former job as California Senator, to replace deceased Diane Feinstein. But I am surprised to see that he has chosen a left-wing nobody for the Senate, named Laphonza Butler. Someone no one has heard of.

By RBN October 2, 2023 21:01
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