The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, October 18, 2022

By RBN October 18, 2022 20:59

Dr. Robert Malone, the genius and patriot who INVENTED the original mRNA gene therapy technology which was exploited by those who perpetrated the Covid 19 “vaccines” on all of us, is HIMSELF on of the hundreds of millions of us who believed these liars and took the injection himself. Dr. Malone is now aware that he, like all the rest of us, got screwed. He is one of the giants now exposing the horrors of the bioweapons that are Covid 19 and the “vaccines”. Dr. Malone’s current understanding is that all of these bioweapons have been inflicted on us by the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party. In today’s Trump Phenomenon show, October 18, 2022, we have an anti-Trump caller whose mission is to demoralize us Trump supporters with the false line that Donald Trump should be blamed for this monstrous bioweapon crime. So, Kelso asks, if the perpetrators of the CCP bioweapon murder crime were able to hide their crime from EVEN Robert Malone, the INVENTOR of the mRNA technology, OF COURSE it was no problem for them to conceal the crime from President Trump. The CCP had the entire American medical establishment wrapped up in their tentacles of influence and control. It would have been a mind-boggling leap of raw genius and courage for the layman Donald Trump to see through the crime that EVEN one of greatest scientists couldn’t see….at first.

By RBN October 18, 2022 20:59
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