The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, October 13, 2022

By RBN October 13, 2022 21:00

“Our” security deep state (CIA, State Dept. etc.) we now learn is PAYING (!) Al Qaeda fighters that “our” security (?) state flies in from Syria to replace the Ukrainians that American Communist tools like Victoria Nuland have been using as cannon fodder in their deep state war to destroy a free Russian nation. Your tax dollars are being paid out to Al Qaeda fighters at $2,000 a day! Today, Oct. 13, 2022, we get a breathe of sanity from the great Trump of Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who is proposing that the American Peace President, Donald Trump, be given the assignment of ENDING the utterly insane ramp-up to World War III.

By RBN October 13, 2022 21:00
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