The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, November 9, 2022

By RBN November 9, 2022 21:00

How did the Communists run their steal this time? That’s the question for all patriots on Nov. 9, 2022. So far I think Roger Stone’s explanation is the best one I’ve read. Stone calls it the most perfect steal ever pulled off. Stone also says that this rigged “election” is the best evidence that he has ever seen that the Deep State has the entire “election” system wired, and under their control. The only limitation on the Communist’s operation of their rigging is their temporary necessity to conceal their fraud from being too obvious. Roger Stone believes that the core of the rigging system is at the very highest and most electronic echelon. All of the other, and usual, Communist means of faking an “election” are add-ons to this electronic cheating core. And that’s why patriots must fully use every shred of the greatly reduced remaining power still held by MAGA Republicans to completely dismantle every “electronic” component of this rigged “election” system. Instead we, as Trump is saying constantly, must fall back on our history’s pure paper ballots, filled in on one election day, in person, with verified ID and valid registration, counted in person by us at each of our traditional small precinct polling locations, All of this happens EASILY on one single voting day. And ALL the paper evidence is EASILY store under chain of custody until any doubt about the count is dispelled entirely.

By RBN November 9, 2022 21:00
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