The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, November 1, 2022

By RBN November 1, 2022 21:04

If I had to name “the busiest man on Earth”, my nominee would be President Trump. Can you imagine what his day must be like? Now, imagine this….today November 1, 2022 he has already put up 19 messages on the social network he created, And we’ve still got two hours left in the day in which this human dynamo could post! Did I just mention “November”? Oh yeah….it’s HERE at last! November 2022, the month we’ve awaited for the last two years. In just one week we will depose Crazy Nancy, the Beard, and Cryin’ Chuck Schumer. We will then have the next two years to either slow down or reverse the last two years of CPUSA destruction of our people and nation, awaiting Donald Trump’s RETURN TO POWER on January 20, 2025.

By RBN November 1, 2022 21:04
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