The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, May 10, 2023

By RBN May 10, 2023 21:10

Once again I’m with the valley girls when I shout out “OMG!”. “OMG!” at what Big Bad John just did to CNN live on their air from a CNN “Town Hall” at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire. You’ve got to hear the viral clip of President Trump (I play it three times on our show tonight) looking disgustedly at CNN ambush interviewer Kaitlin Collins and saying: “You’re a nasty person”, at which the crowd goes wild cheering President Trump. Trump knows he can handle any CNN (CIA) “journalist” like swatting flies…and he did tonight. A grand slam for Lou Gehrig Trump, batting fourth in the 1927 New York Yankees “Murderers Row” lineup, emptying the bases.

By RBN May 10, 2023 21:10
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