The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, March 6, 2018

By RBN March 6, 2018 21:00

Co-host: Paul Fromm | Great news today, March 6, 2018, from all over the patriot world. President Trump refuses to buckle to globalist moaning from economic advisor Gary Cohn, prompting Cohn to quit. Good riddance! Swedish patriots, inspired by the Trump revolution in the U.S., led by Sverige Demokraterna, Swedish Democrats, rebuke lies uttered by the Swedish Prime Minister, Loefven, as he took questions in a press conference after meeting with President Trump today. The patriot successes that have all been accelerated by the Trump success in the U.S. continue to mount. Sunday saw the victory of the populist right in Italy. Today we had yet more E.U.-defying action from Hungary’s Donald Trump, Viktor Orban.

By RBN March 6, 2018 21:00

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