The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, January 3, 2019

By RBN January 3, 2019 21:59

Can you spell POLARIZATION? Wow, have we got polarization on January 3, 2019 as the bat-bleep crazy woman Nancy Pelosi basks in her coronation as the champion of the bat-bleep crazy left. Never in American life as the polarization between two utterly incompatible populations been anything like what we are now experiencing every hour of every day. We “build the wall” patriots versus the Pelosi/Schumer open borders haters of OUR America. That former America that Donald Trump inspired us to believe we can make great again. The DemonRat takeover of the House is, of course, a bad thing in itself. But there is a distinct silver lining to the Pelosi gray cloud. And that is that patriotic Americans are now getting the clearest look they’ve ever had into the ugly maw of the bat-bleep crazy left. This is something of a silver lining since it will surely supercharge the motivation of all remaining patriots in America to get busy on whatever path we chart to saving our people for the long, long haul.

By RBN January 3, 2019 21:59

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