The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, March 3, 2023

By RBN March 3, 2023 21:00

Are you choking from the massive clouds of toxic CO2 swirling around you, on March 3, 2023, like Greta Thunberg? That’s the “how dare you?” woke girl from Sweden. Greta, having suffered a woke education, apparently didn’t bother to learn that the Earth’s atmosphere is currently .04%. That’s 4 parts per 10,000. Oops. And that tiny amount of the deadly CO2 is the principal FOOD of ALL plant life on Earth. Her woke class didn’t learn that if that rare TRACE gas, not toxic to anything, and REQUIRED for plants to live, dips significantly below 400 parts per million, or .04%, all plants will starve, wither, and die! Her class missed the fact that Swedish farmers will pump up the percentage of CO2 in their greenhouses, raising strawberries for Greta, to several times that atmospheric concentration of a tiny .04%… order to double their delicious and nutritious strawberry yield! Her class, and likely your own kids’, never learned that the Earth’s CO2 concentration has, throughout its history, risen and fallen, sometimes to levels of 2,000 parts per million; at which times the whole planet was many times more lush and verdant than it is today! And, in recent times, an uptick in CO2 has resulted in the richest, most extensive forests in America’s history! So much for the scam of “global warming”. Like the mask and vaccine hysteria, Al Gore’s (and Greta Thunberg’s) climate hysteria is the Left’s lie with which to control….you.

By RBN March 3, 2023 21:00
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