The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, June 26, 2023

By RBN June 26, 2023 21:11

Tonight, June 26, 2023, we’ve got some hopeful developments. A mixed assortment of events on our show. President Trump rocked the house on Saturday’s huge Faith and Freedom at the Hilton in Washington, D.C. He launched another barn-burner the next day at the Michigan Republican dinner. On another front, the left’s desperately hoped-for “coup” in Russia turned (in a matter of hours) into a big nothing burger. The Russian patriots are utterly victorious in THEIR fully Russian homelands of Luhansk and Donetsk. President Putin is more supported by his Russian people than ever before. And the Russian economy is booming while the haplessly sanctioning economies run by the globalists of the U.S. and the E.U. are tanking…hard. As a current footnote, I offer the hope that the RFK Jr. “phenomenon” will lead to a third party run by Robert Kennedy. I ask: how could it come to pass that RFK Jr. could pass muster in the Democrat/CPUSA nominating conventions Party Platform formulation?

By RBN June 26, 2023 21:11
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