The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, June 1, 2023

By RBN June 1, 2023 21:00

President Trump just conducted a masterful live Town Hall in Iowa hosted by Sean Hannity, on June 1, 2023. Trump had the Iowa audience roaring their support for MAGA, But the frightening question that we all want answered never was addressed, which is: “how the hell did the RINO Kevin McCarthy manage to take the Republican Party over the cliff in the 4-trillion debt catastrophe vote?” Is the Republican Party the suicide party? Is the White Race the suicide race? We WON the House of Representatives….and what did we do with it? Why, we enacted the Communist Party’s dream unlimited debt bonanza to utterly destroy the American dream economy that our ancestors labored so hard to bequeath to what appears to be an unworthy and last generation of self-hating heirs to Western Civilization.

By RBN June 1, 2023 21:00
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