The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, February 23, 2023

By RBN February 23, 2023 21:00

Today, Feb. 23, 2023, I think that every person on Earth can thank President Trump for doing more that any other person to avert a nuclear World War III. Surely President Putin knows that Trump is very likely to sit in the Oval Office in just 23 months. And Putin has heard Trump repeat daily that he will end the Neocon war waged by the Deep State. Putin knows that the Donbas region belongs, by moral right, not to Ukraine or to Russia. Donbas, like every other land in the world, rightfully belongs to the people who have lived on it for generations. And Putin knows that Trump is aware that the actual such people of Donbas are overwhelmingly ethnic Russians. Ethnic Russians who have ALREADY voted their wish to be part of Russia and not part of a Russian-hating Ukraine.

By RBN February 23, 2023 21:00
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