The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, February 14, 2023

By RBN February 14, 2023 21:07

Through all of history, who have been the toughest and smartest fighters? Everyone who is not a European knows the answer, even if we sometimes don’t. We sometimes forget that it was we who fought like no one before or since at Thermopylae, at Poitiers, and the Teutoberg Forest. The leader who can lead his people to winning without even the fight of a Leonidas, a Charles Martel, or a Herman the German is the greatest treasure of a people. Donald Trump is one of these. Trump’s “peace through strength” may save us from the terrible cost of having to defeat evil on the battlefield. Let’s hope on Feb. 14, 2023 that this will be our story. But our people have proved that we will win….whichever way we have to go.

By RBN February 14, 2023 21:07
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