The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, December 5, 2023

By RBN December 5, 2023 21:01

The Trump Train has its head of steam going as we report on Dec. 5, 2023. Three rallies are posted at under the Events tag. Two in Iowa, one in New Hampshire. With the Iowa caucuses being just 6 weeks away, here’s what Kelso is hoping for: a decisive, crushing humiliation for any yo-yo’s dumb enough to show up at one of 1,700 precinct caucuses and thumb their noses at the 90% of MAGA Republicans there to support Donald Trump. With an average of 100 registered Republicans at each caucus, what are these few weird never-Trumper souls going to be thinking as they watch all their neighbors making a bee line for the Trump corner of the room at 7pm Jan. 15 when their caucuses commence?

By RBN December 5, 2023 21:01
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