The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, April 20, 2023

By RBN April 20, 2023 21:00

Here’s an encouraging report from a group called 538 (representing the idea of 435 Congressmen, 100 Senators, and a few others, keeps track of the running total of Congressmen, Senators, and now Governors who have endorsed various candidates for office. As of today, April 20, 2023, here’s the endorsement score for Nikki Haley (3), Mike Pence (3), Ron DeSantis (11 endorsement “points”), and then….wait for it….Donald Trump (227 endorsement “points”)! This is staggering! And it means something VERY good. It means that we very well may be spared the ordeal of a media-faked “primary campaign”. If DJT can put the whole RINO field away right out of the gate, as he is now doing, we can witness a much longer (and consequently much better) Trump campaign against the Democrat/Communists. And much less time fighting the RINO’s.

By RBN April 20, 2023 21:00
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