The John Moore Show 12.13.23 Hour 1

By RBN December 13, 2023 09:20

John has Chance with Simply Clean Foods for the first hour…open lines for the second hour…Jeff Nyquist for the third hour. Prepper Tip: Stock up on feminine hygiene and birth control products.

By RBN December 13, 2023 09:20
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  1. Dave December 14, 10:45

    John’s simple lines:
    Covid only killed 0.03% of those who had it. (Ignores the different measures:
    death/ positive tests vs
    deaths/ symptomatic cases. There is a Big Difference! This is comparing apples to steaks. ). The above statement only shows the foolishness of the mainstream narrative, and of his statement that it was not a severe disease (for many).
    Rense & Erica pointed out on the same night (12/13) that Extreme inflammation (referred to by Erica Khan as oxidative stress) was noted by a nurse they played a clip from.
    Talking to medical folks who dealt with physically ill patients is Highly Recommended.
    This is the way to present a more accurate and True story. Any deviation from the truth promotes wildly extreme ideas ==> division of the population herd minds into multiple herds. It is participation in the …self- destruction of our society. Due to pride. You will see. American Pride is key to the prophesied downfall of the US.
    What we see “here” are herd members falling off the right side of the flat Urth.
    “Depart neither to the right or the left”.

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