The John Moore Show 10.13.23 Hour 2

By RBN October 13, 2023 09:08

Guest: Dr. Huff
Prepper Tip: Prepare for WW3

By RBN October 13, 2023 09:08
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  1. Dave October 15, 15:51

    There is a narrative in the Alternative media which states that Masks are useless to prevent the spread of disease or toxins from one person to another.
    I find this to be dubious based on the science involved. See the information presented by Dave starting at timestamp ~39:42.

    Please see a video posted by Jeff Rense which describes some of the science behind masks, titled:

    The Astounding Physics of N95 Masks

    From a mechanistic point of view, the above video fits exactly my expectations. Viral Load is an important factor which Chris Martenson of (PhD Pathology, MBA Cornell, ex Fortune 300 execute e who gave regular, even daily, talks about the Covid Pandemic starting in ~March 2020. He is very well informed and his assessment of the information is stellar, IMO).

    The Astounding Physics of N95 Masks

    The guest presents no clear information about the Osha studies and No references. It would be useful to provide this information and make clear what his point is including specific supporting evidence.

    We look forward to this information.

    To me, the role of Alternative Media in the Matrix is to provide an alternative opinion, brainwash people into repeating that information, even when the information is partially or entirely false, thus discrediting all other true information they present — People simply turn off that channel ! = This Channel !
    It is All by Design

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  2. Dave October 15, 16:09

    If you want to Imagine what might happen or
    Dream about it, see:


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