The John Moore Show 08.11.23 Hour 3

By RBN August 11, 2023 10:07

Guest: Marie Lasater, coroner of Texas County, Missouri, discusses COVID and vaccine effects, pharmaceutical drug alternatives – including for natural weight-loss – and more.
(Contact her about acquiring mulberry trees, for the leaves’ weight control properties.)
Prepper Tip: Create a second stream of income.

By RBN August 11, 2023 10:07
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1 Comment

  1. Dave August 11, 11:01

    The statement that there were no covid deaths is in stark contrast to a huge amount of information. Many folks who never got pneumonia or severe lung disease from the flu, got VERY sick. It was very unusual. Medical folk expecially kept getting sick due to exposure.
    Marie offers no cause for the unusual rise in severe disease that I saw personally, and that is well-documented by highly published, honest MDs like Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough and Richard M Fleming to name a few ! Whether she saw any unusual disease in (remote portions?) of Missouri, I can not say, but low incidence there is not surprising !

    I can not tolerate such low level narratives, which label those who project such stuff as “wingnuts”, a well-deserved title. Contact the big names I posted above AND who treated thousands of patients and simply WAKE UP to the facts. Otherwise, we may have to conclude that we have Planted Disinfo in this hour. You tell me how this happened ! Please.

    As I asked Stadtmiller twice: “where did the CDC reduce their covid death numbers. They did not.”. Then I said “Please tell me [inquiring minds], I want to know !”. There was NO RESPONSE. That’s what happens when you prove a narcisist is totally wrong….and he may not even have recognized his fault.

    She says (~27:50 timestamp) that, based on her limited data, 1 in 3 deaths were vaccine-related.
    What? (1) how does she know they are “vaccine-related” (caused)? (2) if so, is she seeing excess mortailties of ~50% due to this 1 in 3 increase ? These sorts of statements make no sense upon simple analysis. Please explain when such apparently kooky statements are made ! ARE YOU FOLKS even Thinking ?

    @ ~42 timestamp:
    The fact that these people had comorbidities indicates Covid disease was effective at mercy killing. The flu had a high comorbidity, also (comorbidity rates of ~80% were reported by the CDC).

    The unusual deaths and illnesses are well-doccumented.

    Re discussion at about 42 min timestamp:
    The fact that these people had comorbidities indicates Covid disease was effective at mercy killing. The flu had a high comorbidity, also.

    A lie repeated in alt media closets = brainwashing with confirmation bias. How idiotic ! The same mistake as made by mainstream listeners. Think.

    As Marie stated (~42 min) “Get out of the herd mentality”. That’s what we have here and everywhere. “A lie repeated enough times” is be lieved. Blind faith gives life to zombies.

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