The John Moore Show 04.19.23 Hour 3

By RBN April 19, 2023 10:04

John has Chance with Simply Clean Foods and Dr. Phillip Meyers for the first hour…Prof. James McCanney for the second hour…Jeff Nyquist for the third hour. Prepper Tip: Acquire a second stream of income.

By RBN April 19, 2023 10:04
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  1. Joe in Missouri April 20, 22:39

    We the people would love to hear a Jeffery Nyquist v hal Turner debate.

    They hold quite different views on many things Ukraine..

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    • Ron Berry April 21, 08:38

      Joe, have you ever heard of dimitru dudeman and henry gruber’s visions. Very compelling.

      GIST – submarines shooting nukes into america from both coasts

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  2. Dave April 26, 09:04

    Call resumes at ~39 minute timestamp. Points:
    The beat cop knows that the truth is somewhere between the two stories he is getting from folks regarding an incident. The same may be true here. And that is something we should think about.
    Normalcy bias is programmed into folks from a very young age. People believing certain conspiracies may also have programmed into them conspiracy mindset perspectives and beliefs.
    The point is, we have to be very objective in the way we are looking for the truth.
    (Now, one big example among others is the clips by Ana Mihalcea with Lee Merritt with Rense directed by simply presenting the words Ana spoke. Then seeing if there was any basis, substance, proof or evidence provided to verify these statements etc. I, as a scientist, was belly laughing through parts of Jeff’s presentation at how crazy and baseless this all appeared. He invited either of these two to come on his show for equal time. See Jeff & Erica’s Hour 2 from 4/24/23 “The Disinfo Pit Gets Deeper All the Time”.
    And be very honest. Look for counter-arguments to find out where the truth is. That’s the honest approach. And going off on ‘everything is a conspiracy’ or that it is at a certain level, leads you into a falsehood that is not accepted by other people who ‘know’ that it can be countered by facts that they have. We need to stick with the facts and do proper analysis. The psychological thing that is happening here is very dangerous on both sides.
    There are other ideas which are Conspiracy Falsehoods.
    (meaning: There are 4 camps we can categorize:
    1. No such conspiracies exist. Only ones which went through a court of law.
    2. There are verified conspiracy theories now proven with sufficient, verified evidence, which are not accepted in the “mainstream mindset”.
    3. There are conspiracies which we say exist but really provide NO verifiable proof or evidence.
    4. Everything is a conspiracy [either by God and his forces or vis Satan and his forces — this is probably actually the most true. For these things are all occurring in the spiritual realms and manifest in the physical (by faith, xyzzy did erst. (See Hebrews 11)). etc.]
    Relative to the pseudo spherical model for the earth and ‘flat earth’ ideas, show us one verifiable anomaly in the accepted model and we will believe that our concept of reality is …different from what reality actually is. This is very philosophical AND logical. Strict logic is humbling. The scriptures and the Word told us that — by his Actions and Words.
    If we think only in very concrete terms and come up with only certain dogma, we need to question our dogma. Even because we see evidence that a theory is true, if there is an anomaly, the theory is not complete (in-correct, not ‘true” as a strait board is true and plumb). So says the Great Carpenter.

    Maybe we should humbly admit we Know in Part. We really do not Know..100%. We act on our best understanding and…..who is guiding us…or is he carrying us (Footprints in the Sand).

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