The Concord Lantern with Maggie Rose, January 22, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN January 22, 2024 17:53

Pastor Artur Pawlowski of Calgary, Alberta Canada on with Maggie Rose and Chris Brumbles. “We MUST be Lions” and ” continue to have the Faith in God’. You can send your support by cheque to the address here: 1740 25 A Street SW Calgary Alberta Canada T3C1J9 Street Church, Artur Pawlowski. Street Church to feed the homeless and help with Legal Bills for standing for “FAITH AND FREEDOM”. For more information call: 403-607-4434 or email:

By RBN January 22, 2024 17:53
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  1. MaxxNY January 22, 18:29

    I don’t mean to dismiss your host but being arrested 100 times? It does sound a bit exaggerated. But every problem you are having in Canada goes right back to Jewish treachery. You have to understand Judaism is actively working to destroy Christianity. Nothing moves forward until you understand these basic points. This guy who runs at church and reads the Bible should know what Jesus said about the Jews. That was a warning about the Jews. The King James Bible is case law and maxx a warning about the Jews

    Organ harvesting is Jewish ritual sacrifice

    Charges of genocide against world jewry. With evidence of hate crimes against white Christians

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    • Maggie Rose McGRATH January 22, 19:03

      YES Over a hundred times over the years. NOT exaggerated. YOU have not been involved or following his journey. SO when you say that “Every problem goes right back to ….:” You are again just generalizing and throwing out racist blanketing statements. It is really sad and Sick that someone is so bored with their life they have to attack and attack and try to discredit. I remember once someone telling me that because my Great Great Grandfather was Jewish….that meant that I was of the devil….and evil. Jesus was Jewish/Hebrew. IF and I say this Lightly …IF YOU are a professed “Christian” then you are not following the Golden rule…and you are “JUDGING” Jesus said. “He who is without sin, cast the first stone.”

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      • MaxxNY January 22, 19:46

        When the Jews killed the Christ, because you don’t read the Bible but you just talk off top of your head, THIS WAS A DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST YAHWEH. This is not generalities. This political state has been going on for thousands of years. You just don’t want to deal with the fact that Jews are collectively narcissist and psychopaths.
        You have very little knowledge of Jewish history and politics. You don’t understand that Jews are Antichrist. They are satanists and they are working for the destruction of white Christians I keep telling you this over and over but you keep telling me you know better. Which tells me you have no idea what you’re talking about and you just took up 2 hours and wasted time. Everything I’m saying about the Jews Jesus said. I know their mindset I know they’re psychology I know what they’re up to and anyone who defends them is a Satanist Antichrist. You women are stupid get off the battlefield.

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        • maggie Rose January 25, 01:43

          It was a FEW Of the Jewish priest that were jealous of Jesus and sold him out. YOU know their “Mindset” while you are labeling and judging? I feel sorry for you. It is not worth trying to deal with a Anti Christian Racist. Who sounds like he himself would have been beheading babies…in Israel. Sounds to me you were raised a White supremist and Christian Identity…neo Nazi. If you don’t like it…then don’t listen. We can’t fix “Stupid” Many of us woman are bravier then men who hide behind their computers fancy themselves as ‘keyboard warriors’
          I will pray for you.Jewish people are no more antichrist then you are……yet people who spout what you are, full of hatred, evil and venom….I believe are speaking and doing the work of the “devil”

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  2. MaxxNY January 22, 18:31

    All your immigration goes back to Jewish interests. The only group lobbying for liberal immigration is Jewish. Thousands of rabbinical groups are pushing for liberal immigration into America. Jews are not Americans. They have no interest in this nation other than exploiting it.

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    • Maggie Rose McGRATH January 22, 18:58

      I would really like to have you step back and stop using this platform to BASH people of Jewish heritage. You are lumping all Judaism and that is unfair and racist. If you don’t like my guest or CHRISTIANS FOR Jewish or working with Jewish…then don’t listen. Many who are “JEWISH” are fighting the same things we are. ALL Immigration does Not go back to “Jewish Interest” My ancestors mainly were IRISH, SCOTTISH, from Norway…and England. Some were from Germany and France. SOME were Jewish back Four generations ago. It is very sad that people who are racist like you, want to lump everyone who has any connection with a Religion or culture under the same banner. MOSSAD is like our CIA…both Mossad and CIA ( AMERICANS) have created wars and conflict…Christians have been cruel and vicious over the centuries….Catholics and Mormans have had their turn as well. The ORGAN “Harvesting” is taking place HERE In America with people of NON Jewish background. In CHINA they are organ harvesting but I still see you purchasing CHINESE Products….

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  3. MaxxNY January 22, 19:53

    When the Jews killed the Christ, because you don’t read the Bible but you just talk off top of your head, THIS WAS A DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST YAHWEH. This is not generalities. This political state has been going on for thousands of years. You just don’t want to deal with the fact that Jews are collectively narcissist and psychopaths.
    You have very little knowledge of Jewish history and politics. You don’t understand that Jews are Antichrist. They are satanists and they are working for the destruction of white Christians I keep telling you this over and over but you keep telling me you know better. Which tells me you have no idea what you’re talking about and you just took up 2 hours and wasted time. Everything I’m saying about the Jews Jesus said. I know their mindset I know they’re psychology I know what they’re up to and anyone who defends them is a Satanist Antichrist. You women are stupid get off the battlefield.
    Nothing personal but you are government issue and I don’t listen to soldiers. I have 40 years of research you have no idea what you’re talking about there’s a reason why they call you Mossad Maggie . %90 of rbn’s listening audience does not believe your World War II narrative and your Holocaust lies. You stupid woman. You have no solutions because you don’t know what the target is or you are an agent. Go home.

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